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About "Perfect Home Windows & Doors"

Perfect Home Windows & Doors is a leading service company for window repairs, window replacement, door repairs, door replacement and uPVC spraying in Ireland. Our specialists are repairing and replacing uPVC, aluminium and wooden windows as well as all types of doors. Our service includes installing new doors and windows as well as fixing hinges, handles, glass, seals and vents of windows, skylights and doors in county Carlow, Clare, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick, Mayo, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Wicklow.

Service Availability in Ireland

Counties Ireland - Service area
Service Availability
About Perfect Home

Perfect Home Windows & Doors is a leading service company for window repairs, window replacement, door repairs, door replacement and uPVC spraying in Ireland. Our specialists are repairing and replacing uPVC, aluminium and wooden windows as well as all types of external doors. Our service includes installing new doors and windows as well as fixing hinges, handles, glass, seals and vents of windows, skylights and doors in Ireland.

Contact "Perfect Home"

Carlow - Clare - Cork - Dublin - Galway - Kerry - Kildare - Kilkenny - Laois - Limerick - Mayo - Offaly - Roscommon - Sligo - Tipperary - Waterford - Wexford - Wicklow


M: +353 86 8841950

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